Gwynnbrook Farm Discus Fish Photo Gallery

Blue Diamond Discus

Blue Diamonds are one of our favorite strains of discus fish.

Blue Diamond Discus

Blue Diamond discus fish have solid blue bodies
with no black markings on their fins or tails.
Watching a shoal of blue diamond discus school
around in an aquarium is totally mesmerizing.

Brilliant Turquoise Discus

A very popular discus strain of ours. It's easy to see why.

Here's Peter Thode judging discus at the prestigious
Duisburg Discus Fish Show in Germany. Peter has judged discus fish all over the world, including countries such as Italy, Singapore, USA, Canada, Czech Republic and Germany.

Marlboro Red Discus

Leopard Discus Fish

Leopard Discus Fish

Brilliant Turquoise Discus

Brilliant Turquoise Discus

Hi Body Turquoise Discus

Tangerine Discus

The tangerine discus is a type of pigeon blood discus. It has a beautiful
orange - tangerine color in the body of the fish. The body of the tangerine
discus is usually solid in color with very little peppering. The head, face and
fins can have a little bit of mother and pearl color striations. The body edges
are usually a darker, reddish orange color. These discus look great in
an aquarium with live aquatic plants.     

Blue Diamond Discus Pair

The discus breeding pair are guarding their wrigglers on the PVC pipe.
Most strains of discus get darker in color when they are breeding
and caring for their fry. The discus fry are attracted to the dark color
of their parents. The fry swim towards their parents and start
eating an epidermal mucus that the discus pair produce on their sides.

Blue Diamond Discus Fry

There are lots of wrigglers hanging on the PVC pipe. The discus wrigglers will hang on the PVC pipe for around 3 days before they start free swimming. The discus breeding pair might move them from their original hanging spot to a more secure, private location in the aquarium. The discus pair might even move the wrigglers several times before the fry go free swimming.

Blue Diamond Discus Fry

They are feeding on the side of their mom. Start feeding baby brine
shrimp as soon as the fry are 3 days free swimming. Keep the discus
breeding tank as clean as possible while the discus fry are with the
breeding pair. A diatom filter, like the System One Diatom Pressure
Filter or a Vortex Diatom Filter, is very useful in fine cleaning
your discus breeding tank.

Blue Diamond Discus Fry with Pair

The fry swim back and forth between their parents feeding off their sides. It's important to start feeding the discus fry live baby brine shrimp after they have been free swimming for 3 days. At that time, the fry should be large enough to eat the baby brine shrimp. This gives the parents a break from the fry constantly eating the mucous food off of their sides. Supplementing the live baby brine shrimp is very important in large spawns because the fry can actually inflict sores on the sides of their parents. The sores can get infected and might kill the parent. Always monitor your discus breeding pairs when they have large spawns and separate the fry as soon as they are large enough to be on their own.

Pigeon Blood Discus guarding his fry

As soon as the discus fry start leaving the sides of their parents and start feeding on their own, you can separate them into another aquarium. These pigeon blood discus fry are now large enough to be on their own. You should feed the discus fry small amounts of food at least 5 times a day.

Pigeon Blood Discus

Dad is engulfed in fry. They feed on both sides of their parents.
If you look closely at the discus fry, you can see their stomachs
are bulging. They just got done eating live baby brine shrimp.
Start feeding live baby brine shrimp several days after the fry
are free swimming. By then, the discus fry are usually large
enough in size to eat the live food.  

Checkerboard Discus

Pigeon Blood Discus Fry

It should take 2 1/2 months for these fry to reach sellable size. You can separate the young discus fry from their parents as soon as they leave the sides of their parents and start feeding on their own. The discus fry, in the photo above, are easily large enough to be removed from their parents. Once the fry are removed, hopefully the parents will start breeding again.

Pigeon Blood Discus with Fry

A beautiful site to see! What every discus fish hobbyist
would love to see in their own aquarium. The pigeon blood
discus fish was developed in Thailand. At one time, they were
the most popular discus strain in the world. 

Pigeon Blood Discus

Dad is keeping a close watch over his fry.
Our discus breeding pairs are kept in 50 gallon aquariums
or 35 gallon aquariums that we made ourselves. We like to give
our discus breeding pairs plenty of room. This allows them to easily
raise their fry for several weeks, without them getting over crowded.

Red Turquoise Discus

One of our adult Red Turquoise discus that just kept
on posing for the camera. No wonder discus fish
are considered the "King of the Aquarium".

Red Turquoise Discus with Fry

Poser becomes a Dad!

That's a lot of fry. Whenever you have a discus breeding pair that has a very large spawn, it's always important to feed the fry lots of baby brine shrimp. If you don't feed them baby brine shrimp, the fry could possibly eat holes into their parents bodies, causing sores and even death. It's probably a good idea to move large spawns away from their parents as soon as possible. You should constantly check for sores on breeding pairs when they have fry. And make sure you are also supplying lots of food for the young discus fry.  

Red Turquoise Discus with Fry.

Hard to see with all those discus fry!

Red Turquoise Discus Pair with Fry

Mom and Dad with fry. Mom is prettier than
Dad, but was very camera shy. After the fry have
been free swimming for 3 days, start feeding live baby
brine shrimp. Feed the live baby brine shrimp for 10 days.
After 10 days, you can also start feeding the discus fry
a finely, chopped discus beef heart paste food.

Tangerine Discus Pair Guarding Eggs

Tanks Filled with Discus Fry

We usually pull the discus fry from the pairs after 10 - 14 days.
It's important to feed the discus fry at least 4 to 5 times a day.
Don't over feed. Feed small amounts of food, around every 5 hours,
while they are less than an inch in size. Also keep the aquarium
very clean. Siphon out any excess food in the aquarium that is not
eaten after 15 minutes. Good food and clean water is essential
to get your discus fry to grow like healthy weeds.     

Tangerine Discus Fry

This is a large spawn from our Tangerine discus pair. The fry are fed
baby brine shrimp, daphnia and live rotifers. Soon they will get
to eat our turkey heart/fish/shrimp discus fish food.

More Discus Fish Fry

The left tank has Marlboro Red discus fry.
The right tank has Brilliant Turquoise discus fry.
At this size, these discus fry are still fed baby brine shrimp
5 times a day. When they get a little bit bigger,we can
start to feed them daphia, chopped up white worms
and our frozen beef heart/seafood paste food.

Large Vat Filled with Baby Discus

Most of our discus are raised in aquariums. When we have lots of spawns,
and no longer have any room, some of the discus will be grown in our
fiber glass coated, concrete vats. These concrete vats are floor heated by
circulating pipes built into the concrete floor. 

Pigeon Blood Discus Fish

The pigeon blood discus originated in Thailand. It's
probably the best selling discus fish strain in the world.   

Leopard Discus with Fry

Discus breeding pairs should be kept in an aquarium all by themselves.
Give the discus pair plenty of privacy while they are breeding and caring
for their wrigglers and young free swimming fry. Discus fish will breed
in a community tank, but the fry will not survive. Either the discus breeding
pair will eat their offspring or the other tropical fishes in the community
tank will eat their fry.

Brilliant Turquoise Discus

Red Turquoise Discus

Red turquoise discus fish are one of our best selling strains. These discus have a perfect shape and a wonderful horizontal, red striation coloring. Discus are shoaling fish and do best in groups of 5 or more. A general rule for stocking discus is 10 gallons of water per 1 adult fish. So you need at least a 50 gallon aquarium to adequately house your shoal of discus.

Red Turquoise Discus

Adult Male

Leopard Discus Pair with Fry

It's important not to bother the discus breeding pair when they are
caring for very small fry. Any disturbance might cause the discus
pair to eat their young. Usually after 10 days of free swimming, the
discus fry are too large for their parents to eat.     

Another section of our discus fish hatchery. These aquariums are on a
central system. Water flows in and out of each aquarium and back to a
large reservoir. The return water is then pumped into a swimming pool
sand filter and returned to the aquariums. We have 7 large central systems
at our discus fish hatchery. Just call 410-356-7557 a day in advance to set
up an appointment to visit our discus fish hatchery.

Beautiful Discus!

This is a small section of our discus fish hatchery. These aquariums are on a central
system. Water flows in and out of each aquarium and back to a large reservoir. The return
water is then pumped into a swimming pool sand filter and returned to the aquariums.
We have 7 large central systems at our discus fish hatchery. Just call 410-356-7557 a day
in advance to set up an appointment to visit our discus fish hatchery.